What is adaptive learning?

Adaptive learning is a digital learning concept that is gaining momentum in academic discussions about didactics. Simply put, it is a learning system that adapts…

Do you know the two type of readers? Active and passive

Reading researcher Merete Brudholm operates with two types of readers, which she calls active and passive readers. The passive reader reads with the intention of…

Activate your preunderstanding – and get more out of your text

There are numerous components, methods and strategies that we either consciously or unconsciously utilise when reading everything from social media posts and news articles to…

What is reading comprehension? And why is it important?

Here we take an introductory look at reading comprehension, as well as some of the popular reading techniques. In its simplest form, reading comprehension is…

The art of reading: An introduction to reading and reading comprehension

Reading is a natural part of everyday life for many, and although we are not born as readers, we rarely give this ability a second…

What expectations do we have as a reader when approaching an unknown text?

Every time we sit ourselves down with an unknown text we automatically have some expectations concerning what we’re about to read. We always look at…

Why is reading slowly not the same as reading thoroughly?

Back when I studied for my M.A., I did what many others did. I sat down with my examination syllabus and read everything slowly and…

Do you want to know how to manage information more efficiently?

When I had to find relevant books for my university studies I went to the local library and looked at the card index. Back then…

Challenges for the adult reader

For more than 25 years I have worked with the adult reader. I teach employees with very different job descriptions and educational backgrounds in efficient…