Yes please, I'd like to order FrontRead

FrontRead is a unique online training course, that improves your students reading speed and comprehension as well as provide them with better strategies and approaches to reading.

The programme is available  by accessing it through any browser via the following link:

In order to use the programme you need a login and a password. You'll receive this by mail when you order the programme. You will also receive a guide on how to customise the profile for the user.

The license costs £80. You order by filling out the form below and press send.



    By ordering you will also be added to FrontReads newsletter, so we can keep you informed about updates and new features in the program, ensuring that you always get the full experience from the program. Every newsletter includes a link with the option of unsubscribing. Should you desire to be completely removed from any form of communication, you can also write us at